Device details
2300mm cold rolling line
Equipment configuration:
The company has a 2800mm cold rolling production line and a 2300mm cold rolling production line
Equipment Introduction:
The 2800mm four-high irreversible cold rolling mill has a maximum inlet thickness of 10mm, a maximum rolling width of 2680mm and a maximum rolling speed of 800m/min. It can produce a maximum roll weight of 26.5 tons. The 2300mm six-high irreversible cold rolling mill has an inlet thickness of 8mm and a maximum rolling speed of 1500m/min. Equips with double thickness gauge, middle series roll, automatic shape control (AFC) system and advanced mass flow control system, the rolled products have good shape and small thickness difference.
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Contact us
Address: No.11, Yangtai Road, Yanghe Industrial New District, Yufeng District, Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Tel: 0772-3511420
Fax: 0772-3166032
Guangxi Liuzhou Yinhai Aluminum Co., Ltd 桂ICP备15007883号 BY:300.CN
Guangxi Liuzhou Yinhai Aluminum Co., Ltd 桂ICP备15007883号 BY:300.CN